Fears for Horst Motor as ageing DJ star's erratic behaviour sparks call to police

23.04.2008 | 2 Kommentare | Christian_alternakid

Either the years haven't been kind to veteran DJ Horst Motor or he wasn't having a very good day.
The 48-year-old former DJ star looked dazed and confused as he walked near his Eckersdorf Schloß on Tuesday afternoon.

The two-time Bayreuth Best DJ nominee was spotted waving his arms in the air and muttering to himself "Heil Hitler". He looked almost as dishevelled as the famous characters he played records to in the 1970s.

Mutlu, another passer-by who refused to be named, said the star looked to be disorientated.

Either the years haven't been kind to veteran DJ Horst Motor or he wasn't having a very good day.

Someone eventually called police, but when officers arrived on the scene Motor convinced them that he didn't need help: He merely puts on a good show of being dim-witted so that the Motorjugendlichen and even his colleagues will be more at ease around him. Motor's signature technique is to exit the scene of an interview, only to stop in the doorway to ask Garfields Ripper "just one more thing" - often bringing to light the key inconsistency.

The star is still working and is about to appear alongside Achim Bogdahn in an off-beat comedy about a beer addict, entitled "Uni Open Air".
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RoterBlitz am 23.04.2008 um 18:52 Uhr:

Before leaving your home, always make sure your shirt is correctly fitted in your panties. Nice sneakers though.

Fix am 23.04.2008 um 22:24 Uhr:

This guy is a complete DO. He looks like your grandfather who is driving his car completely drunk and blind to get you to school while you have to tell him the traffic signs.


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