Cinema Speculation

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  • Because I was allowed to see things the other kids weren't, I appeared sophisticated to my classmates. And because I was watching the most challenging movies of the greatest movie-making era in the history of Hollywood, they were right, I was. · Christian_alternakid
  • Brewster Mc-Cloud is one of the worst movies to ever carry a studio logo, and that's fully acknowledging Altman also made Quintet for a studio as well. Quintet is just terrible, boring, and pointless. But Brewster Mc-Cloud is the cinematic equivalent of a bird shitting on your head. · Christian_alternakid
  • „it's the Be Black Baby set piece that makes the movie un-forgettable. Suffice to say, no scene in a movie will come anywhere near it till thirty years later during the third act of Takashi Miki's Audition.“ (Über eine Szene aus „Hi Mom!“ von Brian De Palma) · Christian_alternakid
  • where a Hitchcock movie worked to entertain, Polanski's movie worked to disturb. Hitchcock could disturb too. But ultimately, only up to a point. With Polanski, disturbance was the point. · Christian_alternakid
  • I can also imagine part of De Palma's inspiration to forge a career executing Hitchcockian set pieces was his frustration at how inept he felt the highly praised Hitchcock homages from the French New Wave were. Particularly messieurs Truffaut and Chabrol. I can't imagine De Palma appreciating even a relatively decent one like Chab-rol's Le Boucher (probably chalking it up to a thrill-less thriller). But I can absolutely see De Palma being appalled at Truffaut's amateur, clumsy fumbling of The Bride Wore Black. As well as being dismayed by the affectionate praise heaped on it by the New York film critics (probably the only thing De Palma and Bog-danovich ever agreed upon). It's doubtful a master filmmaker like De Palma was ever charmed by Truffaut's Ed Wood-like amateur bumbling even under more appropriate conditions. But in the service of a Hitchcock-like thriller, backed by Bernard Herrmann music? It must have left young De Palma puking in the aisle. · Christian_alternakid
  • "Paul Schrader has long disowned the film, even recently he said "It was a movie ruined in the rewrite". While I understand his feelings (that's how I feel about "Natural Born Killers"), I don't agree it was "ruined", but as with "Taxi Driver" his thematic conception was jettisoned. (...) Schraders savage critique of fascist Revengeamatics flicks was turned by its makers into a savage fascist Revengeamatic flick. Yet... the greatest, savage, fascist, Revengeamatic flick ever made. Which frustrates Schrader to this day." · Christian_alternakid
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Quentin Tarantino Person

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Christian_alternakid am 29.01.2024 um 09:23 Uhr:

Wirklich tolles Buch, QT in bestem Plaudermodus und einfach ein irrer Nerd. Schon kurios, dass einem der größten Namen des Filmgeschäfts der letzten 30 Jahre eine Erzählung Hollywoods von der Seite, von Unten gelingt! Tarantino hat sich den Blick seiner Jugend bewahrt, die Liebe zum Exploitation (und noch mehr: Blaxploitation) scheint jederzeit durch und so fügt QT der klassischen Geschichte des Hollywoods der 70er - die er miterzählt - noch einmal eine andere Perspektive hinzu. Sehr unterhaltsam, *sehr* meinungsstark, mit viel Insider-Wissen und, was fast schon herzrührend ist, einer so großen Liebe für Filmjournalismus, dass er sich ständig vor bestimmten Autoren verbeugt und ausführlich deren damaligen Original-Reviews zitiert.
Manchmal verliert sich Tarantino vielleicht etwas arg in alternativen Besetzungsfragen (wen er welche Rolle in irgendeinem 70er Jahre Thriller hätte spielen lassen) und womöglich hätte ein Lektor manchmal noch über gewisse Formulierungsanhäufungen gehen können, aber "Cinema Speculation" macht mir mehr Spaß als viele Filmbücher von Leuten, die sowas hauptberuflich machen.


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